A Welcome from the Owner

Though my career it has been my pleasure to serve thousands of clients in my many roles as an agent, manager, and now as the owner of an independent agency. Though the years we have become one of the leading agencies associated with American Senior Benefits. We have been able to grow this way by recruiting and training the best professionals in our business to serve our clients with honesty and integrity.
Our goal is to help our clients fully understand their financial position and help them navigate the confusing world of health insurance, retirement, Social Security, Medicare, and ensuring financial protection for their families. We accomplish this by providing education in each of these areas, so we not only help solve issues but provide the necessary information for our clients to fully understand their rights and entitlements in each area of their lives.
Our firm takes a holistic approach to serve our clients. We build lasting relationships with our clients. Because our clients’ needs change, and the market changes a lot you will want to work with a firm that will be with you through your journey. We establish where you are currently and make recommendations based on your currents needs and future goals. We use the services of over 200 insurance carriers to shop for the best product to fit your specific need and goal.
Perry Clark